Date(s) - 01/24/19
2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
Growth can mean different things to different organizations, and managing growth in a responsible way is essential – regardless of the shape, size, or flavor of that growth. Too little growth can cause your organization to stagnate; too much can overwhelm your organization and cause detrimental effects, such as delays in delivering on your mission.
Join us as we discuss our latest finance study, in which we take a closer look at growth in the nonprofit sector, including:
-What growth means to different organizations
-The specific role of funding and grants
-Techniques that nonprofits use to strategically plan for growth
-How growth impacts risk management and technology needs
Plus, you’ll get specific tips and suggestions to help you get the most out of the data in the study and prepare your organization for successful growth.
To get the study before the webinar email [email protected]